New feature

AI-powered status page translations, monitoring custom HTTP headers, design live preview, and much more!

October 17, 2023

🤖 Auto-translated status pages

Meet our newest and most powerful multi-language feature to date. Incidents, maintenance, information notices, incident templates, and any translatable field really can now be auto-magically translated from their default language to the other one(s) 🤯

Auto-translated multi-language status pages

Just enter the default language copy and leave the other language’s fields empty for AI-powered auto-translation to do its job. After clicking “Save” or “Update,” you can still modify the auto-generated copy if it’s not exactly what you want it to be.

Enable this powerful new feature under your status page Settings > Advanced section. The settings will be available if you have more than one language configured.

Read more about this powerful new feature: AI-Powered Multi-Language Status Pages.

📡 Monitoring check custom HTTP headers

Now, you have the option to configure custom HTTP headers for your monitored status page services. This feature is helpful for websites or APIs that require authentication through HTTP headers, such as API keys or simple authentication.

Monitoring check custom HTTP headers for status page

💅 Design live preview

Customizing the design of your status page has never been easier, all thanks to our revolutionary "live preview" editor.

Design live preview for status page design

This editor launches in full-screen mode, seamlessly aligning a live preview of your status page alongside the design form. As a result, you can witness the changes you're implementing taking effect instantly as you work on them.

Say goodbye to the hassle of repeatedly opening your status page in another tab and constantly switching back and forth! 🚀

🔔 Subscriptions channel filter in Admin UI

Finding the subscription you're looking for is now even easier with our new "channel filter" feature. This feature allows you to filter the subscriptions list in the Admin UI by channel. As a result, you can effortlessly search for subscriptions that select email, Slack, SMS, Google Chat, and more.

📝 New Language YAML editor

Customize the copy and translation of your status page UI without leaving your StatusPal Admin Dashboard. Thanks to our new and powerful YAML editor, you can easily edit the language YAML copy without the need to download, edit a YAML text file in a separate editor program, and then upload it.

👣 Onboarding steps

We're excited to introduce an enhanced onboarding experience for our new customers. When you create your status page, you'll be greeted with a friendly and informative onboarding screen. This screen will guide you through the most recommended initial steps to ensure you can make the most out of StatusPal right from the start. It's our way of helping you get started on the right foot and maximize the benefits of our platform!

🛠️ New API endpoints

Status page and organization memberships can now be created thanks to the new API endpoints we've added:

  • POST /api/v2/status_pages/:subdomain/members
  • POST /api/v2/orgs/:id/members