New feature

Terraform provider + Zoom status page notifications

June 13, 2024

🛠️ Status pages as code with Terraform!

One of the most requested features is now available under public beta 🚀

It is now possible to provision and manage your StatusPal status pages via Terraform configuration code. It looks something like this:

# Use the StatusPal provider
terraform {
  required_providers {
    statuspal = {
      source  = "statuspal/statuspal"
      version = "0.2.5"

# Authenticate with your API key and StatusPal region
provider "statuspal" {
  api_key = "ok_asgGHJgJHGkjHFjhGjhG123456"
  region  = "US"

# Provision your status page
resource "statuspal_status_page" "acme" {
  organization_id = "1"
  status_page = {
    name      = "AcmeCorp"
    url       = "acme.corp"
    time_zone = "EST"

# Provision your status page services
resource "statuspal_service" "api" {
  status_page_subdomain = statuspal_status_page.acme.status_page.subdomain
  service = {
    name = "AcmeCorp API"

resource "statuspal_service" "child" {
  status_page_subdomain = statuspal_status_page.acme.status_page.subdomain
  service = {
    name      = "AcmeCorp API child"
    parent_id = statuspal_service.api.service.id

What can be to configured via our Terraform status page provider?

  • Your status page settings including custom domain, as well as their design.
  • Your status page services, including their key settings like monitoring and automation.

Learn more on our Terraform documentation page ↗.

Just a heads up, this is still in beta, so feel free to hit us up at support@statuspal.io with any feedback or questions you have!

🔌 Zoom status page notifications

Zoom integration is now available in StatusPal, enabling real-time incidents and maintenance notifications from your status page.

Zoom status page notification

Learn more about this integration at our Zoom integration documentation article ↗.